PAX Australia 2013 – Post Wrap up

I understand that I have posted a few articles on PAX Australia the last few days. Let me place them all here, in this convenient style post for you all.

Overview of PAX Australia – With lots of photos

Chatting about Tanks and more!

Inspired by the past built for the future – The Binary Mill games

Australian Pokemon National Championship – Round 1

Tabletop Gaming Never looked so good

Power on with Horize

Mobile Gaming Done Right – MOGA

Xbox One – In photos

Like renting games, but cheaper. Console Freeplay FTW

Making Time Travel Look Cool – Retro Gaming Heaven

Cosplay on display

Sometimes The Princess Does Not Want To Be Rescued

Everybody Loves Bullfrog – A Love Letter To Games of Yesteryear

Ninja’s, Vampires and Soccer – Oh My!

Nintendo Booth Tour

Ubisoft Booth Tour

Ah – Somewhere to rest my poor feets

Quickest Way To Create a Storm

There are three PAXes now – one in Seattle, one in Boston, and one in Melbourne

So PAX Australia has had its debut, and what a debut it was. The show was far better than I had actually thought it could be. My initial thoughts were it was going to be a good show, but being a first time event it would not be that good.

Oh how wrong I was. Yug and the team brought together a fantastic show that was equal parts awesome and amazing and every time I turned around I found myself looking at something else that blew my mind. For most people I am sure that there was a singular highlight, something that made the weekend and the show standout. My personal highlight was the Big Top, just the scope of what was going on in that space was truly amazing.

Of course for some people the Expo Hall was where the show was at, and of course that means games. Lots of games and of course new hardware to experience. From the fantastic design of some CM Storm gear, to the awesome laptops to take your gaming on the go, hardware was not missing at all this show.

Games were the other draw of course, my first hands on with a game at the show was with The Legend of Zelda Wind Waker HD, and it was a beautiful game and played just as I imagined it would. Of course throughout the days of the expo I got to play lots more games, including some fantastic indie titles. Black Annex still stands out as a title to watch out for, Fractured Soul’s jump from Nintendo 3DS to PC aims to take it to a whole new level. And even some non-games like Wander were something that drew crowds all the time.

Oculus Rift was out in force at the show, and there were many of the headsets around. And based on the lines at each station, people could not wait to try out the VR system of the future. I could write loads more about what was great about the show, but instead I will let you see it in picture form. Click them to go larger.

PAX Australia – World of Tanks rolls into PAX Aus

It’s one of those rare moments that as a gamer you feel like a company is listening to your voice. is a company like no other, not only are they making games that are fun to play, but they are always listening to the community.
At PAX Australia I had the chance to sit down with Jasper Nicolas who is the head of the South East Asia branch of Jasper was a thrill to speak with, because you could feel his excitement for the games they made, and the thrill that those game bring to players around the world.
Jasper Nicolas on the left and Me on the right
Jasper started off in Singapore with a small start up to help get games to players in the area. By taking on a lot of the work to release a game locally, was able to focus on making the best possible version of the game. When World of Tanks launched in April of last year around South East Asia, by October Jasper and the team had done such a fantastic job that brought them into the fold.
After seeing how many Australian players were logging on to the American servers to play World of Tanks, the team at decided to take the plunge and promote the game here. The booth at PAX Australia was one of the busiest booths and continually had lines of people wanting to experience the game themselves. Also sporting a real world tank, the booth was a massive draw for all attendees of the Expo.
The tank is behind the girls, who were very knowledgeable about the game
But many players will be most surprised, as I was,  to learn that World of Tanks owes a lot to Australia, as the engine the game is built upon was made by a studio called BigWorld, based in Sydney. bought them last year for $45 Million dollars.
Jasper was quick to point out that this is not just a game for the super hardcore This game is a bridging game, where Dads can play it, then the kids can play and they can talk about the game together. It provides a common ground for families to talk about games that are not only great to play but also based in history, which proves learning history does not need to be boring.
The game was initially launched in Australia with a small event out at the tank museum at Pukapunyal, which brought out a lot of families. Now with the PAX Australia display, even more players have had the chance to experience the game and understand what World of Tanks is about.
A few weeks back at E3, Victor Kislyi, the CEO of took to the stage at Microsoft’s Press event to announce that World of Tanks was now on Xbox 360. What makes this version of the game unique is that it’s not a port of the PC version. This version of the game was built from the ground up for the Xbox 360.

Of course is not just interested in Tanks. They are currently working on a few new games in the series called World of War Planes and World of Warships. War Planes is due out soon, while Warships is currently still in the early stages of development. There is a dream that all three games could come together and players form armies made up of tanks, planes and ships to win the battles.

For players who do not have a PC or Xbox, Jasper did point out that an iOS and Android version of the game is coming soon and is in a private beta at this time. This won’t be a port but a game made for those platforms so it can leverage the best aspects of the hardware, providing players with the best game they can make.

Of course when you start taking all of this into account, its easy to become overwhelmed with the options available. are planning to use a Single Sign on system so with the one account you can play all of their titles. But what makes these games even better, from a player point of view is that they are Free to play, in that they cost you nothing to get, or to play. While they do offer a premium subscription, that does not provide players with super tanks, or unlimited ammo. It merely offers up players the chance to earn XP faster. For those that are playing without a subscription, you still get everything that other players get. Purchasing new items in game is all about using your XP as in-game currency. However for those that want to spend some real world cash on the game, you can purchase some items that do not affect the gameplay such as skins for the tanks, gold items and even some new emblems.
When I asked about the possibility of making a modern day version of World of Tanks, Jasper pointed out that it was easier to make a game set in the past, as all of the information is easier to obtain. Some of the tanks in the game were designed but never released into the world. All of the tanks were built of the original blueprints meaning they are as accurate to the real world version as possible. This is the only way that these tanks can be experienced. With modern tanks there are too many restrictions on what you can provide to the gamers, with information about these tanks not easy to obtain. When I asked about making games set in the future, Jasper then pointed out that while its not out of the question, they are going to focus their time and effort on making the best games they can within the worlds they have created already.
The team behind the games are always working on making sure that players are given the best possible version of the game, so they are always working hard to fix issues and provide more content. With that said the game is mod friendly, as long as the mods do not impact the game play.
I asked Jasper what was the craziest, or funniest moment he had seen while playing the game. He pointed out that a team of modders created the Indy 500 mod for World of Tanks. Players were placed onto a map that contained a racetrack and using the faster tanks in the game were competing in races. While I was having a nice laugh, he did mention that the development team always look at those aspects of the game and see what they can do.
The massive screen was showing live matches every day of PAX Aus
One such mode is the bumper car mode. Where all the tanks are stripped of ammo, and players must win by ramming their tanks into other tanks. A simple change to be sure, but one that adds a new and exciting way to play the game.
The booth was at bursting point for most of the expo

After speaking with Jasper, the first thing I did upon returning home was to download World of Tanks for myself. And while I am sure I will most likely suck at playing it to begin with, the chance to learn about the tanks and the game makes me excited to play it. may not be a company you know all too well now, but in the future will be as synonymous with gaming as Nintendo or Sony. So check out World of Tanks, what have you got to lose?

PAX Australia – The Binary Mill excites with some great games.

Another booth that caught my eye over the PAX Australia weekend was from the team at The Binary Mill, a Brisbane based indie dev team. They were showcasing two titles Gun Club 3 and Mini Motor Racing.

Mini Motor Racing is a love letter to the old school racing games like Micro Machines or Ivan “Ironman” Stewart’s Super Off Road. The game takes an overhead view of the track and uses old school driving controls. After playing it at the event I bought it on steam that night. Its also out for iOS devices as well as Android and is coming soon to PS3.

The other title that was being show was Gun Club 3, a gun simulator game where its all about learning about the weapons and shooting them on a range.

The game looked great and is due out soon.

For more information about both of the titles check out their site here.

PAX Australia – Home to the first ever Pokemon Video Game National Championships

PAX Australia was home to the first ever Pokemon Australian National Championship. 
Players were broken up into 3 age groups and competed for a chance to head to Vancouver, Canada for the 2013 Pokemon Video Game World Championship. 
Check the photos below to see the massive crowd of gamers that were watching the matches on the big screen.

Selected players were able to battle it out on the big screen for all to see.

Here you can see some of the matches taking place, there were loads of people crowding around.

For those that were unable to make it to PAX Australia, there are still more chances to enter, here are the other places to check out.

  • Perth (Supanova Pop Culture Expo) Sunday 30th June
  • Melbourne (Deakin Edge – Federation Square) Saturday 6th July
  • Brisbane (Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre) Sunday 7th July
  • Adelaide (AVCon Anime and Video Game Convention) Saturday 13th July
  • Sydney (Luna Park) Sunday 14th July

PAX Australia – Take your gaming experience to new depths with Monty Haul Gaming Tables

There were many great booths setup at PAX Australia, in fact so many in the expo hall that I found myself in the Big Top so I could relax with some 3DS gaming, and it was in this space while watching the table top gaming take place that I spotted a table with a different.

Monty Haul make gaming tables. But what is a gaming table you ask? Well simply put its a standard 4, 6 or 8 seat table where the top comes off to reveal a great space for your tabletop gaming or scrapbooking collection. Whatever you want to do in there you probably can.

As you can see from the 6 seater table above, they are built with some great touches, that make them ideal for all sorts of uses. Each seat at the table has its own little place to rest either your notes, figures, or even a mouse and keyboard if you want to.
The recess that the tables sport is 60mm deep, and while it might not seem all that deep, it is plenty for almost everything. Each table also comes with a sheet of clear plastic that you can use to cover your game maps, so you can lay them out and then not worry about them moving or getting damaged. 
So no matter what type of gamer you are, these tables will cover you. And it also makes a great place to store the kids lego, to save your feet from stepping on it. And when your done using it, place the top back on and host a nice dinner party.
For more details on the tables, including price and sizes check out the site here

PAX Australia – Take your gaming experience portable with Horize Laptops.

Its very rare for a laptop to impress me, they generally fall into one of two groups. Ultra books that are ultra light in weight and specs, or mammoth machines that are so heavy you are actually better off to take your normal PC with you.

However at PAX Australia, this past weekend, I had the chance to chat with Jack from and he walked me through the laptops that they have and I have to say that I was blown away.

The entire range of laptops were built with both speed and performance at the forefront but not with the idea that they had to require a separate trailer to tow them around. There were two devices that really surprised me with both the power and the price points.

The first was the W650SR Ultra design.


The laptop in question sports either a core i5 or i7 Haswell based CPU, it sports a GT750m graphics chip set and it comes with a full HD 15.6 inch display, all while maintaining a nice weight around 2.5 kilos and a remarkable 7 hours battery life.

The fact that you are getting some fantastic power in such a small package is not lost on most people, and the booth at PAX Australia had nice crowds around it whenever I walked past.

The other laptop that really impressed me was the W650EH.


This laptop is towards the cheaper end of the spectrum so its nowhere near as powerful as the one above, nor the others that they sell. But for what you pay, you get a Core i5,a nVidia GT740m Graphics chip set, the same 15.6 inch full HD display and at just over 2 kilos its lighter but still retains that impressive 7 hours battery life.

Both of these incredible machines can be bought online from Horize and you can make changes as you see fit. For a great machine at a great price you can’t go wrong.  

PAX Australia – Game on the go with the MOGA series of controllers

While there were lots of companies showcasing their games at PAX Australia, there was one booth that showed off a completely different way to play your games.
MOGA is a series of gaming controllers that allow you as a gaming to take your Android gaming experience to the next level. Having gone hands on with them on the Friday, I can say that they are fantastic devices.
The base level is the MOGA Pocket Controller, and its designed for gaming on the go. With this version of the controller, your give a clip that your phone snaps into and holds there, so you can play your game without having to hold the phone. 
In the photo below you can see the Pocket Controller and how the phone goes in. 
The other option is the MOGA Pro Controller. Now this one is designed for the more extended play session or for use with your Android tablet. It does contain the phone clip, but it also comes with a stand to rest your Android tablet for those long play sessions.
The feel of both of these devices is fantastic, they are light enough and comfortable to hold. The buttons are responsive and the sticks provide a great degree of movement. While the Pocket Controller is designed for on the go gaming, the Pro Controller is the one I would get as I feel it would stand up to longer sessions that just the Pocket. 
But of course most people would want to make sure that the game are going to work with this device. Well the list of supported games now boasts Grand Theft Auto 3, Max Payne, Crazy Taxi, The Conduit HD and many, many more. 
If you want to learn more about the MOGA controller series, then jump on over to their official site. And if you want to purchase the Pocket Controller, you can do so locally through EB Games.

PAX Australia 2013 – Console Freeplay is the best kind of play

PAX Australia is also home to the Console and PC Freeplay sections. While I did visit the PC area, due to everyone wearing headphones it was not very exciting. However the console area was. Having all the major current consoles and a bevy of titles to choose from meant there were loads of people having a blast.