PAX Australia 2013 – Ubisoft bring some of the years most anticipated games to local gamers.

At PAX Australia this weekend, there were quite a number of booths, over the next few days I will highlight the ones that stood out. Right now we start with Ubisoft.

 Taking up a large portion of the booth was Splinter Cell Blacklist, with the game having a special appearance at PAX Australia by showing off a brand new level. The game offered up some single player action as well as some Spies Vs Mercs multiplayer. There was also a Splinter Cell Blacklist car, where if people took a photo against it and uploaded it with a special hash-tag they could win one of 5 copies of the game.

The next title that was being demoed was Just Dance 2014, here above you can see the ladies from Alienware having a go. And further down some of the people attending the show gave it their best shot as well.

Rayman Legends was also on show, with this young man giving it a shot. The game was playable on Wii U as well as Xbox 360.

Rayman also made another apperance via Rayman Jungle Run and as you can see, Prince of Persia: The Shadow and the Flame as well, which looks amazing.

Ubisoft also had Cloudberry Kingdom, The Mighty Quest For Epic Loot, Anno Online, Might and Magic Online and more. They also had their own little presentation area as well, where they show cased that all new Splinter Cell level and Assassins Creed IV Black Flag and Watch_Dogs

This is that theatre, not a lot of seats, but it did not stop people stopping by to check out the games, this next photo was taken during the Watch_Dogs presentation. This was as close as I could get it was that busy.

Ubisoft Launches WeareData – showcasing what the world is willing to share.

Ubisoft have launched a new website dedicated to showing how we as humans in this digital world are so open to sharing data. It is amazing how much information is out there in the world, that people have freely shared.

Watch the video below, and check out the site

Sydney, Australia — July 1, 2013 — Ubisoft has announced the launch of Watch_Dogs’ WeareData, an experiential website designed to gather and graph the publicly available data that govern people’s lives in a single location. WeareData is initially available for the cities of Berlin, London and Paris.
In Watch_Dogs, the highly anticipated open world action game from Ubisoft, the fictionalised city of Chicago is run by a Central Operating System (CTOS), linking all of the city’s online infrastructures and public security installations to one centralised hub. Information is at the heart of the game and also at the heart ofWeareData.
With WeareData, visitors will discover that much of the hyper-connected world imagined in Watch_Dogsalready is a reality, and that everything and everyone is truly connected. The amount of and potential uses for public and personal information that is readily available online has never been more relevant, as evidenced by today’s headlines. WeareData is designed to provide a glimpse into this reality and to give visitors a new perspective on the cities in which they live.
Watch_Dogs’ WeareData allows users to access the real-time data that organise and help run the cities of Berlin, London and Paris, as well current information on their inhabitants. Via a 3D mapping system, the consolidated, openly available information that can be easily viewed includes public transport schedules (such as subways and public bicycles), telecommunications networks (including mobile antennas, WiFi spots and advertising networks), energy consumption, traffic and safety infrastructure (like CCTV cameras and traffic lights) and regionalised socioeconomic data (such as average net income, unemployment rate and crime rate).  Also available are geo-localised social media activities for the cities’ residents, including their public posts on Facebook, Foursquare, Instagram and Twitter.
To discover the website please visit via any Internet browser, even onsmartphones and tablets.
Watch_Dogs will hit store shelves in Australia and New Zealand on November 21 on PlayStation®3, Xbox 360®video game and entertainment system from Microsoft, the Wii U™ system from Nintendo and Windows PC, and will be available around launch on PlayStation®4 and Xbox One.