PAX Australia 2013 – Nintendo bring a slice of the future to local gamers

Nintendo were another big booth on the show floor, and they took the time to showcase some upcoming Wii U and 3DS titles.

 Nintendo had 3 Wii U games out for people to play, The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD, Super Mario 3D World and Pikmin 3. While I was able to play both Zelda and Mario, Pikmin as a series has never been one I have really sunk time into. It was great to see Mario with some new moves, outside of the cat suit.

If you make him run around in a circle he will spin, and if you then jump he does a tornado jump, quite interesting.

Nintendo also had The Legend of Zelda A Link Between Worlds, Sonic Lost World and Mario and Luigi Dream Team Bros for play.

Hidden through out the booth were Pikmin. A nice little touch.

And finally, Nintendo also had their own little gaming lounge for 3DS. And one the stage they even had some little competitions of various games such as Mario Kart 7.

Finally, Nintendo had the space all setup for this weekends National Pokemon Championship. While it was not running today, it was a welcome respite for the weary travelers of the PAX Australia Expo Hall